ONE OF A KIND had an interactive element so a new work was created by visitors during the days the show had been open. When people drifted in to browse during their weekend shopping trip, they were invited to put a scrap of fabric into a dye-bath prepared for that day and let it soak while they viewed the art. The amount of time they spent in the space determined the color of the cloth. A kind of natural dye punch-clock… leaving a record of the number of participants and how long they let the color sink in.

Day 1 – onion, brown. Day 2 – red onion+tumeric, bright yellow. Day 3 – beets, pink. Day 4 – black beans, blue-purple. Day 5 – coffee, beige brown. Day 6 – madder, apricot. Day 7 – birch+pagoda bud, ivory. Day 8 – red onion revenge, blood brown.
UPDATE: Documentation of the whole exhibit can be seen here: